Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The day is close and you and the groom must prepare to be spectacular on your wedding day.
It’s important to organize and schedule your beauty sessions with anticipation so they don’t interfere with your plans. Let’s get started with the bride.
·      Hair
Start by taking care of your hair two months earlier with home treatments or commercial products by applying them weekly or monthly, if you don’t know how to do it ask your hair stylist. Also it’s important to have a rich diet in vitamins A, B and C.
I recommend you that if you are planning on changing your hair color or experience new treatments, do it 6 months previously so 3 months before the wedding you’ll have made your look decision.

·      Face
It will be one of the days in which more pictures will be taken and of course you’ll want to look gorgeous. Your best and secure option is to visit a dermatologist that will help you to have a beautiful skin for the big day. He can give you some treatment for your type of skin or for any ‘problems’ you may have, such as pimples and blackheads.
But don’t forget three things: drink 2 liters of water daily, this will not only help your skin but also your body, apply sunscreen on your face every 4 hours and clean your face every night.

·      Lips

You should have healthy and sensual lips on that day so I suggest taking care of them each night by applying vitamin E lip or Vaseline and exfoliate them at least once a week.  A natural and easy exfoliation option is a mix of sugar and honey or almond oil and rub your lips with it in circular movements or use a soft toothbrush in the same circular movements for some seconds, finally don’t forgot hydrate them.

·      Hands

The hands always must be beautiful, especially when everybody will want to see your ring. I recommend you to make some appointments with the manicurist a day before the wedding day, but you can also make them beautiful at home exfoliating your hands once or two times per week. Also, consider that your nails color should be natural and soft.

·      Body & Bronze
This is an excellent moment to get fit as there is enough motivation and intention. You can start with something easy and calm like going for a walk each morning or go to the gym with an instructor that can guide you. Remember that the exercise goes accompanied with a good and balanced diet.

After doing your fair amount of exercise it’s time to get bronze! The best option is to go to a specialized center and make your bronze with a professional, but it has to be done a few days before your wedding.
If it’s the first time you’re doing it, is advisable to do it a month before, so if there’s something you don’t like, you’ll have time to solve it.

Let’s continue with the groom.

·      Hair & beard
Use a shampoo and a conditioner that suits your hair type, it’s important to wash your hair with lukewarm water to avoid damage to the cuticles.
You can try a new haircut and beard that reflects your personality and suits your face. If you always have been the one that shave your beard, maybe it's time to let you pamper and relax and go with a professional barber that can surprise you with a new look.
Remember don’t do any haircut or shave your beard on the wedding day, you must do it 2 or 3 days before.

·      Hands
You will be the one to put the ring on the finger’s bride and you’ll carry a ring too, so it’s important to have your hands and nails clean and manicured. It’s better if you visit the manicurist at least once a week, if you don’t like too much the idea, trim your nails and hydrate them each time you wash your hands.

·      Face
Invariably the type of skin is important to execute a balanced diet that will help to prevent acne breakouts. Don’t forget to drink 2 liter of water daily. Clean your face each night and hydrate it. Just as the bride, avoid high consumption of fats, carbohydrates, alcohol and cigarettes.
As a last step you may take a facial with which you'll be fresh, ready and handsome.

·      Teeth
The smile of the groom when he sees the bride walking to the altar is one of the most beautiful moments.
So you must have well-kept teeth, fresh breathe and white teeth. As the bride, you may use white strips or make an appointment with the dentist. Remember to wash your teeth before the wedding and use mouthwash to avoid awkward moments.
Finally if you want to spend some time together, go to the spa to relax with some massage and facials.
The best part is coming… you and your groom have an appointment at the altar.
By Alexandra RQ



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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I guess I haven't given much thought yet about most of the things on my body that I should be taking care of for the big day, like my lips! I'll have to start putting Vaseline on them before bed. Gotta make sure they are ready! Thanks for the advice.
