Thursday, March 29, 2012

your beach wedding MUST have

Once again the talented
does it again ... this time amazing
lace and ribbon toe ring for beach foot wear.

Take a look at the pictures,
only $35 dlls a pair.

Place your order now!
It´s definitely a pair you need to have
for your BEACH wedding!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Finally coordinating wedding at my favorite beach club in playa

I want to start saying this friday was my Birthday. So I already knew this weekend would be spectacular, not only was I spending my Bday at my favorite beach club on friday CANIBAL ROYAL in Playa del Carmen But I also got to work with one of the most talented and professional wedding planners In MEXICO (A dear friend that I truly admire) MARISSA FLORES from CONTACTO AZUL.

Canibal Royal is very Hipster beach club located in Playa del Carmen.

The ambiance feels like Mexico in its early 50´s the golden age, like ACAPILCO when Sophia Loren and Frank Sinatra used to spend their time just hanging in the amazing warm Mexican beaches.
What I love so much about this place in particular is it´s FOOD.
Their menu is based and developed by my FAVOURITE seafood restaurant in CANCUN & PLAYA called LOS AGUACHILES

During the day this amazing place has live DJ sets and cool chill out music. You pay $150pesos as a cover fee but you get that money to spend on your bill and you can get as much "ceviche" and "micheladas" as you want for that kind of money because their prices are really accessible.

This is a photo of how the place looks like from the beach, I took this one on my Bday.

I was very excited because on the very next day I knew I would be working not only with my "Yoda" of weddings but at my favorite spot in Playa.

I arrived there approximately at 430pm to check the progress of the set up, and it just amazed me how the place totally changed as they removed the whole furniture from the area and just installed all the tables, the lounge area, hanging lanterns and of course the lighted dance floor (a beach wedding favorite)

As I was entering the place the lovely BRIDE & GROOM from Monterrey Mexico, the place where Marissa is originally from and where she has her main office; where ending their photo session and heading to the church.

The main entrance also had two big chandeliers hanging I just had to have my photo taken there with Marissa.


After a quick preview meeting for final details we headed to the church in downtown Playa del Carmen La parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen was dressed up in white and green, with candles and flowers.

A cool TIP, if your priest lets you; switch the traditional bench for two comfortable mini booths as seen on the photo.
After ridding the busses back to the Beach Club when the Catholic Ceremony ended, Sophie & Rodrigo greeted and welcomed each and every guest under the amazing chandeliers at the main entrance.

After that friends and family entered to be received by two gorgeous hostess that gave them their table numbers and also a pair of flip flops just in case people would like to switch from high heels to a more "cross-country" shoe style.


After a great 7 course Familly style dinner that included, shrimp rock, fresh salad, octopus, beef, friend rice with sea food, chicken and a final creme brulè with a hint of expresso every body HIT the dance floor.

They partied for hours ending this amazing wedding at 4am, a very normal time to end a Mexican Wedding.

This wedding was a Destination Wedding, because all the guests flew from Monterrey on the northern part of our country, Spain, China and USA all the places where bride & groom have studied abroad and had made friends during their 12 years of being boy friend and girl friend.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A very Olè wedding!!!!

This weekend we hosted another amazing DESTINATION WEDDING in paradise, this time: SPAIN!!!!


Guests and family members had an amazing day, in one of the most gorgeous locations in Riviera Maya SECRET JEWEL CELEBRATIONS VENUE

It all started with their Legal Catholic Ceremony at the sweet CAPILLA DE SANTA MARIA DEL SECRETO

After the ceremony everyone went to the beach for a great cocktail sunset party, with delicious FROZEN signature drinks by BITTER SWEER MOVIL BAR

Lighting, flowers and details all in HOT pink. Combined with bamboo style chairs and chocolate color linens, gave a very elegant touch to the wedding.

Everyone danced all night and had the party going on until 2am, when the bus arrived and took everyone back to Playa del carmen on a very easy 10minute ride to their Hotel.

We appreciate the support of the Team from BLANC BEACH weddings that did an spectacular job on this trés chic ever.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Jewish wedding

A Jewish wedding is a wedding ceremony that follows Jewish law and traditions.

While wedding ceremonies vary, common features of a Jewish wedding include a ketuba (marriage contract) which is signed by two witnesses, a wedding canopy (chuppah or huppah), a ring owned by the groom that is given to the bride under the canopy, and the breaking of a glass.

Technically, the Jewish wedding process has two distinct stages: kiddushin (sanctification or dedication, also called erusin, betrothal in Hebrew) and nissuin (marriage), when the couple start their life together. The first stage prohibits the woman to all other men, requiring a religious divorce (Get) to dissolve, and the final stage permits the couple to each other. The ceremony that accomplishes nisuin is known as chuppah.

Today, erusin/kiddushin occurs when the groom gives the bride a ring or other object of value with the intent of creating a marriage. There are differing opinions as to which part of the ceremony constitutes nissuin/chuppah; they include standing under the canopy - itself called a chuppah - and being alone together in a room (yichud). While historically these two events could take place as much as a year apart,they are now commonly combined into one ceremony.

om Kippur

According to the Talmud, only the man and the woman united compose a complete human being. As these two parts unite and enter a new stratum of their existence, some of the old gets erased. The Talmud says that when a person gets married his sins are corked. (Yevamos 63b) Thus the day of ones wedding is also a personal Yom Kippur.

As on Yom Kippur, both the chosson and kallah fast. In this case, from dawn until after the completion of the marriage ceremony; although some fast only half a day so as not to be too weak for the wedding. And at the ceremony, the chosson wears akittel, the traditional white robe worn on Yom Kippur.

Kabbolas Panim

It is customary for the chosson and kallah not to see each other for the week preceding the wedding. Separate receptions, called Kabbolas Panim, are held just prior to the wedding ceremony.

The chosson’s reception is also called the Tisch (Yiddish for table). The signing of the Tannaim and the Kesubah take place at the Tisch.


Next comes the badeken, the veiling of the kallah by the chosson. The chosson, accompanied by family and friends, proceeds to the kallah’s reception room and places the veil over her face. A tender ceremony that perhaps dates back to the Talmudic period, the Bedeken serves as the first of many actions by which the groom signals his commitment to clothe and protect his wife. It is reminiscent of Rebecca covering her face before marrying Isaac. According to some opinions the Badeken may even be considered as Chuppah. (Chuppah means covering)


The Jewish wedding ceremony takes place under the chuppah (canopy), a symbol of the home to be built and shared by the couple. Although the chuppah itself belongs to the second part of the wedding ceremony known as Nissuin, presently the entire wedding ceremony is conducted under it. The chuppah is open on all sides, just as Abraham and Sarah had their tent open all sides to welcome friends and relatives in unconditional hospitality.

The chuppah is usually held outside, under the stars, as a sign of the blessing given by G-d to the patriarch Abraham that his children shall be as the stars of the heavens.

The chosson and kallah traditionally don’t wear jewelry under the chuppah(marriage canopy). Their mutual commitment to one another is based on who they are as people not on their respective material possessions.

The chosson, and then the kallah, are usually escorted to the chuppah by their respective sets of parents.

Under the chuppah, the kallah circles the chosson seven times. Just as the world was created in seven days, the kallah is figuratively building the walls of the couple’s new home. The number seven also symbolizes the wholeness and completeness that they cannot attain separately.

The kallah then settles at her chosson’s right-hand side.

Photos and information courtesy of Rabbi Mendel Druk from

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wines of the world

I am NO sommelier my self but this week we had a WINE TASTING for an exclusive group of Wedding Professionals in Riviera maya at the Club House at the Golf Course in Grand Coral Riviera maya presented by VINOS DEL MUNDO.

And let me tell you the experience was amazing.

They explained how every wine combined with the particular food that makes the taste explore in your mouth (i kind of call it a
RATATOUILLE sensation) for those who did not watch Disney's Ratatouille then ignore my comment ... any way, as I was saying; the Chef at Grand Coral Riviera Maya selected some delightfull bite size entrees to go with every wine.

Sommelier Jorge Valdes from "Vinos del Mundo" explained and showed us the true meaning of wine tasting.


They told us that this is exactly the service they will provide for our brides & grooms, explaining why they should choose a very particular wine to go with their Menu. This will make the experience during your reception dinner extremely unforgettable for each one of your guests.

So every day we learn something NEW and amazing to provide for our clients, this is why I love my job so much it never gets boring, plus I get to meet amazing new people all a the time.

TIP. With your very light carpaccio entree always choose a very fresh white wine. If your choose for a main course a very popular Riviera Maya "surf & turf" then go with a red wine and for dessert offer a very bubbling finale.

For the toast they recommended a very amazing ARGENTINIAN "Malbec" grape sparkling wine that won last year the GOLD Medal in wines, perfect for the moment and it even looks a bit "rose".

So now wedding coordinators in the Riviera Maya area can rely on a company that will make sure our clients have the best dinning experience at their wedding... kind of amazing, right?