Wednesday, January 11, 2012

reasons to LOVE/HATE cell phones at your wedding

Over the past few years I have being watching the growing tendency of people and their devices. I can sure identify my self to all of you who literally can't stop using the phone. Texting, reading, calling, stalking, what ever your hobbies with your phone would be, it just keeps growing with time, like relationships: you are now married to your phone.
photo from NBC news
...And, speaking of marriage oh YES! You are invited to a wedding: Oh the possibilities! The event is going viral with so many guests on Facebook, twitter, youtube, it's like celebrities, they no longer have the exclusivity for hitting the 10000 likes on their social media pages, you can do that too and a wedding is also an amazing way to get great NEW profile pictures and of course make all of your friends that couldn't make it to the "wedding of the year" specially if it's a DESTINATION WEDDING on a HOT tropical location so jealous of you!!!
photo from
Now, aren't we forgetting something here?
Oh yes! this is not your wedding and you are only a guest; which means you have to respect the Bride & Grooms wishes.
It is well known that some of the coolest photos, specially during the party are taken from cameras of guests and family members, this is another reason why some couples buy disposable cameras to have their own attendees to capture some of the most funny and cool moments.
And I know that we all agree on this to be a very good idea, but during the ceremony ... I'm just not a FAN of cameras and phones all over the place and people standing all around to get the best photo.
The CEREMONY is the real deal. This is the precise moment when Bride & Groom become husband and wife.
photo from
NOT the party. The ceremony.
So I highly agree on letting friends and family know that phones should be turned off during ceremony. Another reason not to turn on the phone is because the event has been very well planned and this is why you where invited in the first place to witness the begining of this new familly. We want you to be 100% present.
Not (I have seen this during ceremonies) bored playing a game
or just looking at the time to see how much longer it will take for them to get married.
Place signs like this one on your welcome table,
or besides your guest book. A nice little sign that reminds
friends and family that the use of phones during ceremony is not
appreciated by the Bride & Groom.
You really must feel a true honor being invited to a wedding, where bride & groom's family have put on so much effort and money to have a day they will remember for ever. Please have this in mind because not everybody gets invited to weddings, we have to choose people.
photo from
And if you where chosen consider your self special and treat the CEREMONY with respect. Be a true WITNESS and honor your invitation.

follow me on twitter @silkedisa

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