Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the power of I DO

This is a very special post for me
because I will share a personal inner thought.

A basic principle in my life.
Always surrounded by weddings and events ...
I can't help it, and they have become part of my every day reflections.
This is how I came up with one of my favorite phrases: I DO
Thinking positive has always being my "thing" and people that have had the opportunity to share with me some quality time know that I am committed and will fully devote my self to every single project I have.

This is How I understood the power of I DO. This is a very powerful word that means you will make it happen, this word speaks not only from your heart but it is sealing a deal in which you have accepted to take part of something bigger than just your self.
I am referring not only as your I DO's when you
get married but as a general I DO for life.

As good as saying THANK YOU meaning it from your heart is important from the moment we wake up till the moment our day has ended, saying I DO is a very energetic thought that will allow you to accomplish deadlines and to work as a team mate just because you have giving it the correct meaning.
I DO is a commitment not to try but to deliver,
if I can DO it you CAN definitely DO it too!

This is just how I take the simple things in my day to day life
and give them an important meaning;
there for every time I'm hosting a wedding
I always remember why I choose to be positive and
committed with my heart, mind and soul to every project I have said to:
I DO!!!

ps. choose wisely we can't say YES to everyone and everything
this is one of my basic principles too, but that will be discussed at another POST!

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