Friday, December 23, 2011

Alira & Nicolas: true love is their destiny

Alira & Nicolas were our last couple to get married on 2011. They chose the amazing Yazmin de la Mora to cater their event and their wedding was coordinated by Weddings Playa Mexico.

On a very fresh december the 17th saturday, these two love birds from Puebla, Mexico, gathered all their friends and family in a true celebration of love at Capilla de Santa Maria del Secreto.
The love story behind this couple of Doctors is very peculiar. They know each other since high school but at those times they where not even friends. They both studied to become Doctors but Nico´s passion for business made him take some decisions away from his original profession and decided to pursue a dream with his brother and had a Restaurant. Globalization didn't help the brothers and they had to close their business, this is how Nicolas entered Medical school again and ran into Alira at the Hall of the University.
It only took a few words and then they where dating. The time went by they became Doctors, they went to Spain and went they came back to Mexico they had a great opportunity to work in Playa del carmen.

This is how our couple ended up on this part of the country and this is why they choose Riviera maya to be the witness of their union.
Alira writing down and leaving the 1st wish for our 2012 first bride
at our very famous WISHING TREE at the venue.

This wedding had going on several details such as their wedding invitations designed by Alira, which included
"airplane tickets" for their guests coming from other cities.

The Menu was excellent they started with a fish ceviche, then a great mushroom soup and finally an amazing fish filet with a side dish of steamed vegetables and
mash potatoes with a hint of curry. And they had a dessert and fruit bar to indulge everyones sweet tooth.

Party kept on going at the amazing VENUE of Secret Jewel Celebrations where not even the rain could ruin their celebration.

We thank Alira and Nicolas for letting us be part of their love story and also for being so kind and loving.

Alira told me she was so inspired by my BLOG that was the reason she made one for their wedding
I am very honored and very thnak full, I am so happy we closed this years weddings with a cherry on TOP.


  1. Really like the light-wrapped tree.

  2. Planeamos nuestra boda sin una idea, sueño o plan previo, fuimos juntos descubriendo que deseabamos y como queriamos que fuera, organizarla no fue fácil, hasta nos convertimos en bridezillas y groomzillas mas de una vez. Escogimos y descartamos miles de ideas pero es justo decir que el haber elegido a Secret Jewel como el lugar donde casarnos fue una decisión 100% acertada. Si tuviera que pasar otra vez por esta experiencia se que volvería a elegir al mismo hombre y el mismo sitio.

    We planned our wedding without a previous idea or dream. we discovered what we wanted and how we wanted it together, To organize our wedding was not easy, we were Bridezilla and groomzilla many times. We picked and discarded thousands of ideas but choose Secret Jewel as the place where we got married was the best decision ever. If I had to repeat this experience, I would choose the same man and the same place.

    Thank you

  3. muchas gracias Alira y Nicolas les mando un fuerte abrazo! // Thank you very much take care :)
