Friday, June 24, 2011

ROYAL MADNESS: and the lived happily ever after!

The first time I really felt the Royal Wedding frenzy was in Spain on the year of 2004. When the son of Don Juan Carlos (King of Spain) and Doña Sofia (Queen of Spain); Príncipe Felipe of Asturias married a commoner Doña Letizia.

You may imagine as this was the first time in this Royal family, that a Prince was not marrying someone from the royal families. But the people of Spain LOVED and adored the idea of the Cinderella story, so I guess this gave the Royal family another 100 years before people start really thinking (and doing something about it) why they have to support a Royal Family when the Middle Ages finished long time ago. (personal opinion)

Any way, just for the record I LOVE ROYAL WEDDINGS, and have nothing against the Royal families. THis was an amazing rainy day in Madrid and very exciting by the way.

The difference now with Prince William and Kate Middleton´s Royal Wedding (2011) is that I witnessed at home far away from England and OMG it felt like the wedding was right next door. So YES, this was the first time for me to live a Royal madness in Mexico.

So, this last paragraph gets me right to the next point I want to talk about which is ROYAL WEDDING II. His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco will marry Charlene Wittstock, (not Royalty) on July 1 and 2. (The first day is for the civil wedding; the second is for the religious ceremony.)
As it turns out I'm a huge fan of Cinderella's Stories (just a girl being a girl) so I did some research on the web to check out some of the coolest details about this wedding.

As you may now Grace Kelly (very popular & beautiful) was the mother of Prince Alberto II (Stephanie and Caroline) her wedding with Prince Alberto's father Rainier III was also a huge deal back in those days. They had a 2 day wedding also, civil ceremony and the Religious.

The reception was at the Palace's Courtyard. The mass was open, for the people of Monaco.
(I guess times were safer then)

The curious part in this is that same courtyard will now be setup for the Religious Ceremony as they will not use the Cathedral of Monaco as his parents once did.

The transformation will look amazing and it will be an outdoor ceremony ( just love it). What makes me wonder: What will they give their guests?, What if its hot?, What if it rains?. (BTW they say it's really good luck if it rains at a wedding)
I guess I will have to wait till July 1st to find out.

The two Royal Weddings will share ONE important thing
(besides the fact the brides are not Royalty)
The music will be in charge of the amazing No Problem Orchestra,
an eight-member musical ensemble featuring musicians with special needs.

So I guess its just a couple of weeks before Royal madness II begins.
Mean while I will just leave you thinking about this pic that I just loved. A comparison between Princess Grace Kelly and soon to be Princess Charlene Wittstock from South Africa.

Have a nice day, I hope you enjoy REAL LIFE FAIRY TALES too!

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