Wednesday, June 1, 2011

28/05/2011 THE WEDDING OF TERE & CARLOS: so much fun!!!

We had the honor to host this wedding with the Sociale Events STAFF
On a sunny May afternoon.

Very Special Details made this wedding day so delicious.

Tere & Carlos had both Catholic & Civil Ceremonies.

For the Catholic they had Chelo and violin for their music, for the civil they had the amazing DJ mike from DJMOVIL.

I just couldn't take enough pictures of the flower arrangements designed by the socialle with the ideas from the bride and made possible by Elizabeth Rubi from RUNAH DEL SURESTE.

The had also amazing WEDDING CINEMATOGRAPHY by Eduardo Gomez from

So many curious details I don´t know where to start. Oh well I may start by telling how several months ago a really excited and adventurous young woman came to the Venue for a site inspection.
When the inspection was over I walk her to her car, and what was my surprise she came walking!!!
ok for those of you who don't know this our venue is in a gated housing complex on the riviera maya, usually you get there by taxi or a car, but Tere was so urged to get to know the place that she just got on a public transportation van and said take me to Playa del secreto. Of course they took her there but only to the main road by the HIGHWAY ... she had to walk 1.5kms to get to the main gate, and then walk another 400 meters to get to the venue.

So this may be the bride who has had to walk the most to get to us and who´s story about how she found the venue on the internet and then just flew to Cancun and walked to our front door.

Believe me from that day on I knew this was going to be a very special wedding because she is a really special person.
Details were in blue color, light blue, dark blue, nay blue, baby blue and turquoise blue.

Every other decoration and flower had color white and green as their main point and of course the big glass lanterns which made the amazing romantic touch of this event.

The lounge area was set up on the inside beach right next to the dance floor and near the tables.

Tiffany chairs in chocolate colors, with white table cloths and navy blue cloth napkins.

A close up at the flower arrangements of the civil ceremony can really show you my FAVORITE flowers for beach
weddings which are called in spanish "perritos" I translate it to "doggies" but I really don´t know if this is the proper translation for this particular type of flower.

Another sweet detail by the Sociale team was the candy buffet, lovely with every little detail taken care of.

They set it up on the palapa, and also left there 4 high tables with 4 high chairs since this is the way in,
and the way back and forth to the restrooms they were pretty busy all night and the candy just kept coming...

There was also a welcome table were the hostess greeted and welcomed each and every guest, handed out the fans for the ladies, gave them their table seats and also the flip-flops the bride had in amazing BLUE from Old Navy.

Padre Fernando Rodriguez L.C. from Playa del carmen, was in charge of the blessing of this couple in our Capilla de Santa Maria del Secreto.

The bride had an amazing vintage white wedding dress, her white rose bouquet just made the perfect match for her elegant style.

As a mexican tradition on the end of the ceremony the bride and groom give out a smaller bouquet to OUR LADY MARY OF GUADALUPE, as a symbol of their gratitude for this big day.

I really tried to take pictures with put Tere & Carlos realizing I wanted to have our ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE sign right behind them. So this is the best pic I took from a couple of them and I think you can read at the back the legend: all you need is love!

Another amazing thing about this wedding was our Chapel lighted up at night y 2 bid LED light lamps and it looked so spectacular I wanted to cry.

Their first dance was: LUCKY and after that they danced also OVER THE RAINBOW.

This moment was really very special.

And once the dance floor was opened and the party started everyone had 6 hrs straight of amazing music and dancing and having lots and lots of fun!!!

The lounge set up included lighted center tables and the big lighted balls on the door that goes to the beach outside to make a really romantic path for anyone who might feel like taking a walk on the beach with the lovely moon on their backs.

So as you see we had so much fun hosting this amazing elopement and working with Patricia Gomez from Sociale Events and her wonderful and helpful staff.

1 comment:

  1. You just couldn’t describe it better. Secret Jewel is a magical place to get married. It has this wonderful view to the Caribbean Sea that makes it very special. At first I have to admit that I had my doubts about getting married in the beach because I thought the warm weather and the tables on the sand wouldn’t be comfortable to our guests. After doing the venue inspection I just knew it was the perfect place. During the wedding I realized that it was all about relaxing and enjoying the beautiful place and weather (which is very fresh and windy) and have an excellent time.

    I would like to thank Ilse Diamant, Padre Fernando Rodriguez (who gave us a beautiful blessing at the chapel) and Sociale Events ( Paty & Ani specially) for everything they do to make our wedding a great moment!!
