Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Le Marriage D´Olivia et Guillaume: La vie en rose!

An amazing love story, true to Fairy tale endings.

We got contacted by Camille Lay, from Canada (cousin of the groom) and founder of http://cleventive.com trough Pam Lopez from http://www.beautyweddings.com/

They had this amazing idea for a French wedding at our Venue and we were going to help out to make their ideas come to life.

The wedding started with a very nice Catholic Ceremony in the Chapel by Padre Fernando Rodriguez L.C.

He did everything in spanish, and the guests answered in french. Olivia et Guillaume did their vows in French and also everyone prayed the Holly Father in French, it was really exciting, I got goose bumps on that very moment!

Decoration and furniture was set up and managed by the amazing Gaby Lavor from http://www.planner1events.com/
they put this amazing wooden benches for the
Catholic and Civil ceremony.

They had this huge wooden vases with tropical flowers and OMG the place just looked so cheerful.

The weather on this sunny Thursday afternoon was very nice, we had some breeze and this helped a lot because no one complained about being hot.
This always concerns some of our clients.

Regardless of the language, everyone had a very spiritual time during the Ceremony.

We also put some umbrellas on the outside, because as I said before, we were it would be too hot for the French guests, but It was really very fresh and breeze.

The Civil Ceremony took place a little after the Catholic Ceremony ended, everyone went to the beach outside of the venue and sat on their wooden benches with their maracas ready to cheer for the newly weds.

The Judge stood there happy to bring the Mexican Law to this great couple who where tying the knot in paradise.

Briefly after the Civil ceremony, the bride decided it was time to toss the BOUQUET.

OMG this was an amazing sequence I hope you enjoy looking at these pictures as much as I did shooting them.

So first Olive gets ready with the bouquet and the "single ladies" gather in a circle on the back of the bride.

Now lets throw on the count of three:

mmmm I wonder who might just have being the lucky girl that caught the BOUQUET. You know tradition says that the one who catches is the next one to get married.

YES!!!! Camille Lay, the Planner from canada who came to do her cousins wedding she is the LUCKY ONE!!!!

Everyone cheered like crazy, it was so funny!!!


In this panoramic view we can really appreciate the reception and dancing area inside an the cocktail area outside right next to the Civil Ceremony area.

Music provided by the amazing HITS BAND and my favorite DJ "YOda".

Inside everything was ready for the dinner buffet provided by Gisela Aburto from EASY GOURMET CATERING.

Sunset is Spectacular in the Venue, you see when you come in its day time you walk to the chapel or go to the beach area outside and its day time everything looks very different than when the sunset starts and we turn on the lights in the inside part of the venue.

The palapa right were the restrooms are was also decorated with paper lanterns and candlelight it was so romantic, I just had to take a shot of this atmosphere.

Ok another really cool thing about this wedding was the 1st dance, you see back in France Olivia & Guillaume had dancing lessons, "salsa" dancing lessons and had rehearsed for I don´t know how long for their amazing 1st dance.
It was very nice to see them Salsa!!!

For dessert the cater provided mini wedding cakes by our friend Cristina Ruiz from "Gemelas Bakery".

They were delicious and really nice looking.

We had so much fun and were really happy to host and help coordinate this 65 French guest wedding in our lovely Secret Beach Paradise.

Au revoir, et Merci Beaucoup.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Im just feeling I really want the world to know my very special story:

Ever since I was a little girl, I´ve told my dad that I would get married on the beach. Our chats would go on and on, with him telling me that was imposible.

But I´ve never believed on the impossible, you see for me a Dream is only another goal you set your self to until you reach it and feel that amazing sensation of fulfillment that some call JOY and others, like me just call it accomplishment.

I could write about how I´ve managed to get to every goal I´ve set my self up to, and tell you what a great life I´ve lived making all my dreams come true. But I would never get close to what I really want to share with you.

You see, just this past saturday talking about how lucky we were to have a Chatolic Wedding Chapel on the Venue, I told this same story to one of the Staff from my friend & wedding planner colleague.

I said to Octavio, you know what; yes we are lucky; I am lucky; but not for the business, but because I get to see over and over again how every girl that comes here, is living my dream, and her dream.

My dream has made many bride´s dreams come true and this is wonderful!

So not only my wish as a child to get married on the same beach that watched me grow will be fulfilled; but I have the enormous privilege, to share this wish with other brides from around the world that have the same wish; to get to live this is an amazing feeling and I just can´t be more grateful : THANK YOU!!

All I can say for now is stick to your dreams, don`t stop believing, because sooner or latter they will come true: DREAM ON!!!

ps. Im still a little girl (thou a grown woman on the outside)


Monday, May 23, 2011

may 20th, 2011. Ale & George

This time we had a very good time hosting the Greek/Mexican wedding of Alejandra (Mexico) & George (USA/Grece).

George´´s mom brought amazing greek desserts for the dessert buffet table and OMG I wanted to taste them all night long but just couldn´t get any on time and they were finished pretty fast. This is how I assumed they were delicious.

This time the sweethearts table was just infront of the bridge that comnes fromn the palapa and right next to it there were two big screens to show videos.

Friends and famillya from mexico, USA and Grece all had a blast on the lighted dance floor, catering services provided by Real Gourmet, included the coctail, the dinner buffet, wedding cake and the tacos service for what we call "tornaboda" a midnight snack we allways have at our weddings right after the mariachi plays.

The wedding ceremony was Greek Orthodox and was pretty amazing.

165 people gathered for thsi amazing wedding and had a blast.

Flower arrangements provided by Euforia.

Gracias Memo form Ideas y ambientes for bringing this amazing couple to our venue.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This Wedding took place on the amazing Playa del Secreto.

The Bride & Groom came straight from France to have a Sweet Escape.

Sandra is mexican, she met Clement when she was studying her Mayor in College here in Mexico. He is from France, and fell In love with this mexican sweetie.

They soon moved to France where Clement had to finish school before they could take the next step: MARRIAGE.

Their love was so strong they had a little baby boy a few time latter. The thing was were would they get married that both famillies could finally meet and meet the grandson.

So they remembered how much they love cancun & riviera maya, AND THIS IS HOW Sandra started looking on the internet and found us!!!

When she came for site inspection I knew she was going to love everything about our place. You see they were looking for a House were they could stay with their closest friends and familly, big enough for everyone and right next to the palce they were havin the ceremony and reception.

Now you can see why we fitted like ring to their fingers!!!

They didn´t even think about it, and the next thing you know their friends and familly are staying over at Villa Bella Vista http://www.secretjewelrentals.com/ and the wedding is on the next door beach, I mean venue ... our VENUE.

As much as I would love to choose some photos from the amazing BLOG once again my favourite and amazing photographers did for this couple I cant, because I want you to see everything, the villas, the chapel, the ceremony, the sea, the sand, the beach, the party, I really don´t want YOU to miss a thing!!!

This why I leave you here with the amazing BLOg of Sandra et Clement, an amazing FRENCH-MEX wedding were two worlds meet as ONE reminding us why I like so much the phrase: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVEY

My name is Ilse Diamant and I am your

Destination Wedding Specialist at Riviera Maya & Cancun.

Photoshooting the Cover Page of MEXICO TRAVEL MAGAZINE at the Venue

The venue is also an amazing photoshooting location, and this time we were very happy to Host Araceli from Mexico Travel Magazine and the wondefull team she put together to create a very simple and colorfull picture to represent RIVERA MAYA WEDDINGS on this months issue.

As part of the Team we could see many known faces like Ana L. Gomez y Patricia Gomez from Socialé Events, Bernando Negrete from Negrete Life Style, Elizabeth Rubi from Runah del Sureste Flowers, Daniela & Jose from Sweet Caribbean Photo and of course the amazing makeup artist Azucena Martínez from Cancún.

The Dress came from an amazing Bridal Shop in Cancún called BARZENÉ and the Model was Liliana from a very famous Model Agency in Cancun.



Monday, May 16, 2011


This amazing DESTINATION WEDDING brought two famillies together from MONTERREY, NL Mexico. It was an amazing sunny March 2011 day, that had the perfect wind, the perfect atmosphere and te perfect couple joining their souls for life and promessing a greater future as their new life beagn as husband and wife.

I really want you to look at the BLOG my amazing photographers Dani & Jose made for them this photos trully speak for them selves as the VENUE Secret Jewel celebrations and Capilla de Santa Maria del Secreto serve as backround to this amazing LOVE story we were so lucky to be a part of.

Wedding fully coordinated by Marissa Flores from Monterrey, NL.
CONTACTO AZUL http://www.contactoazul.com/



TRASH THE DRESS WAS THE DAY after the wedding (at our venue) WERE sweetcaribbean did the photos and REELOVE wedding cinematography did the video.

MI ARTICULO en la REVISTA éBodas México

En esta edicion del mes de Mayo de la revista éBodas tuve la fortuna de cooperar en al redacción del artículo principal llamado: DESTINATION WEDDINGS.

I had the wonderfull opportunity to work for this may/june edition of the mexican magazine éBodas, that is sold all over the country. My article on DESTINATION WEDDINGS was featured as the SPECIAL information of this months issue.

Al ser una Coordinadora de Bodas Especializada en Destination Weddings mi participacion fue muy positiva ya que pude dar TIPS y consejos desde mi punto de vista muy practicos para realizar una Boda de Destino en alguna de las playas más populares de nuestro país.

They invited me because Im now a CERTIFIED DESTINATION WEDDING EXPERT by the AFWPI and I could really give TIPS and information regarding these particular celebrations on the most popular and lovely beaches of my country.

Para poder leer el artículo completo es importante suscribirse a la revista que solo cuesta $150 pesos al año y que vale mucho la pena, ya que apartir de este número tengo mi propia sección llamada DESTINATION WEDDINGS: bodas en las playas de México y estaré hablando de un tema específico cada publicación para que cuando decidan hacer su Boda fuera de su Ciudad de Origen no se encuentren con sorpresas que no habian pensado y esten preparados para las cosas increibles que les esperan.

If you want to have the full article you may need to suscribe to the magazine (for mexican citizens only) its only $150 pesos a year and I will have each edition my very own section called DESTINATION WEDDINGS: on mexican beaches, were I will help brides with ideas and fun stories so that they are fully prepared for a wedding on a different city than the one they actually live at.

EL LINK DE LA REVISTA ES http://www.ebodas.com.mx

g r a c i a s !!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I really LOVE to write about every single wedding I have had the priviledge to be a part of. Sometimes I just have too little time to UPDATE my BLOG as often as I wished I could.

So tonight I want to give you a great TIP if you want to get my latest comments, photos and wedding material PLEASE go to my FACEBOOK and my TWITTER pages.

I can update them from my phone and

Do it at the moment the wedding is happening.

Also I would like to announce Im involved as a writter and have my very own section called DESTINATION WEDDINGS in Mexican Beaches: In a mexican magazine called éBodas


Another importante thing you should know is how I LOVE to use the photos from my AMAZING wedding photographers to ilustrate my POSTS and those take some time to be edited thats another reason why I cant update my weddings; as soon as they take place, here on this BLOG as fast as I can do it on my facebook pages or twitter.

So please if you love my BLOG and wish to get the UPDATES on my weddings and events, I really invite you to follow my pages above:

(I did this sign with my sister one day we were inspired)






Thank you!!!