Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kristie Kelley & Ryan Myers

One again Yazmin De la Mora www.yazmindelamora.com amazes us all with a very charming and petit wedding celebration were all the elements had the exact combination to be remembered for ever.

We can start by outlining the originality of the details in this very private gathering.

This original wedding couldnt have a better cake than the muffin tower cake, were each guest can choose their favourite flavor and enjoy.

Their first dance filled the air with sparkles not only comming from the pirotecnic specialists but from their eyes, for their love could be felt in the caribbean breeze.

The climax of the vening was when the mariachi came along and made everyone feel the mexican vibe during the delicious dinner.

Now let me tell you the greater story behind this very speciall day.

We were specting 25 guests, then swine flu came its way and not everyone was able to fly to paradise.

So we had only 11 guests, and this didnt stop it from beign one of the most unique weddings we´ve ever had in Secret Jewel Celebrations.

It all starts at the sunset on the seahore with a mayan wedding ceremony, were the 4 elements water, fire, earth and air become one and give their blessing upon Kristie & Ryan.

There was a beautifull flower carpet on the beach wich just gave the atmosphere a sublime and special air.

Spectacular photos taken by the photographer Pierre Violle.
Thank you Kristie & Ryan for sharing this very special day that really touched our lives!
My sincere admiration to Yazmin de la Mora and all her crew who made it all posible..... see you soon!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Ara & Robert´s wedding was the unique mixture of romance and fun that made this special day even greater.
The theme was all set up in wite and green, with a clasic but yet modern center table piece that combined both flowers and sea shells; they had a big star fish candle gift for every guest.

Their first dance was a blast all made possible by HITS BAND www.hitsband.com
info@hitsband.com/ hitsband@gmail.com they have live musicians playing, great singers and DJ.

Catering was provided by Mavel Banquetes
Veróncia Lezana mavelcancun@hotmail.com

Bar Sweet & Sour
Alejandra Mdahuar

Illuminated dance floor by Av Solutions

wedding coordination was provided by Pepe Jacob, but our bride beign a wedding coordinator herself had the help of YAZMIN DE LA MORA and CLAUDIA wich are her co-workers @ www.yazmindelamora.com

The climax of the wedding was when Robert played on the piano and sang a song he wrote for Ara just one night before, everyone started to cry and were so surprised, we didt even know he played so well the piano!!!


Saturday, October 10, 2009


Estamos cambiando la manera en al que el mundo ve las bodas. No coordinamos eventos, los diseñamos. Logramos que tu boda sea una combinación armoniosa entre tus ideas y nuestras propuestas. Nuestro equipo de expertos en bodas te van llevando de la mano para que juntos logremos darle forma a tu sueño.Nuestra propuesta es tan original como tus pensamientos.

  • Arquitectura Culinaria: Edificamos con calidad Gourmet

  • Reposteria Creativa: Cada postres es una obra de arte

  • Arte Floral: Diseños basados en tonos, texturas y aromas

  • Kaleidoscopio musical: infinidad de sonidos y ritmos a escoger

  • Locaciones: Lugares de ensueño, playas privadas & Capillas frente al mar

  • Conceptos únicos: creamos tu boda a partir de un tema o idea y de ahi se desarrolla todo lo demás, logrando una producción que inyecta el ambiente con TU esencia, al final de todo es TU boda ¿por que habria de parecerse a alguna ya hecha antes?

Personalizacion de tu evento Todo lo que tu quieras lo personalizamos, desde un chicle hasta una botella. Una boda mientras más personalizada sea más impacto causa entre tus invitados, quedando pro siempre en su memoria la dedicacion con la que fueron tomados cada uno de los pequeños detalles, y eso es sin lugar a dudas algo que marca la diferencia.

Web de tu Boda: si te coordinamos el evento por completo te obsequiamos tu página web completamente gratis, para que puedas ir actualizando cada dia junto con tu novio todos los detalles que tengan que ver con tu boda, de esta manera mantendrás informados a los invitados de manera constante y actual sobre cualquier cosa relacionada cone se día tan esperado.

Al ser un grupo de mentes creativas lo que nos sobran son ideas, solo basta concoer a la pareja y saber cuales son sus espectativas en cuanto a su boda y creamos algo que les queda como anillo al dedo. Por mencionar algunas cosas que podemos crear en tu boda para que sea diferente esta: Ceremonias especiales, Bodas TemáticasRitos y Rituales, Souvenirs, Liberacion de Mariposas, Liberacion de Palomas, Performance.

La imaginación no tiene límites. . . Nosotros tampoco


Esta frase hace algunos años era casi imposible debido a que la iglesia católica había establecido que cualquier sacramento celebrado fuera de una Iglesia y directamente en la playa no tuviera validez oficial.

Actualmente este ya no es el caso y a lo largo de la Riviera Maya podemos encontrar Capillas Católicas Autorizadas que tienen como objetivo único cumplir con el sueño de los que anhelan poder casarse por la iglesia pero frente al mar.

Y como no querer tener una boda así, si cuando esta uno en el altar viendo al horizonte del mar caribe, con esos colores; que aunque llevo mirándolos mas de 20 años no me canso nunca de su espectacular belleza; uno piensa: -esto es probablemente lo más cercano a Dios y al paraíso, que jamás estaré.

En tu boda cuando el altar esta a escasos metros de donde rompen las olas y donde las conchas se convierten en arena; dejar una lagrima correr por la emoción que crea este momento sagrado es casi imposible.

Poder declarar amor eterno, promesas y el comienzo de una nueva vida juntos ante la bendición del todo poderoso no puede ser mas sublime y más especial que ahí frente a la inmensidad del océano; con la vista fija en el horizonte, es sin lugar a dudas el momento culminante de la ceremonia.

En las diferentes capillas que encontramos a lo largo de nuestra hermoso corredor turístico Cancún – Tulum se encuentran las capillas dentro de los hoteles y Resorts, o las capillas semipúblicas para ceremonias más exclusivas. Algunos de los requisitos por los que estas capillas deben de pasar son: ser bendecidas por el Obispo, según el rito prescrito en los libros litúrgicos; reservarse exclusivamente para el culto divino y quedar libres de cualquier uso doméstico. Uno de los puntos más importantes es que una vez concedida la licencia, la capilla no puede destinarse a usos profanos sin autorización del mismo Ordinario.

En el corazón de la Riviera maya encontramos una de estas Capillas aprobadas La Capilla de Nuestra señora del Silencio, ubicada en Playa del Secreto. Este mágico lugar se encuentra a escasos metros del mar, y es sin temor a equivocarme de los lugares favoritos del mismo Obispo, que muy emocionado aboga por la difusión de su existencia, para poder ponerla al alcance de más personas que comparten un deseo en común; guardar en sus recuerdos las palabras del Padre: -“Lo que Dios ha unido, no lo separe el hombre”- teniendo de fondo la banda sonora de la naturaleza, el melodioso sonido producido por el suave y delicado vaivén de las olas del mar.

Si estas pensando en una ceremonia frente al mar, pero te daba miedo que no tenga validez oficial para la iglesia católica, seguro después de leer esto te sentirás aliviada de saber que el lugar donde podrás celebrar la boda de tus sueños se encuentra más cerca de lo que imaginas.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Viviana Vazquez from NIVI was the creative mind behind this beautifull wedding www.nividmc.net

The bride and groom exchanged vows in front of the caribbean ocean.

Maria & Hector from New York city, sealed their love with a beautiful live butterfly release. After the ceremony, every one moved back inside of the private beach area were they had a blast with a very fun party were everyone was dancing and having the time of their lives.
Food and beverage was provided by Easy Gourmet www.easygourmet.com

SET UP was provided by Mavel Banquetes


Of course no wedding in Mexico would be complete with out the Mariachi
this time we had the fabulous MARIACHI LA DIFERENCIA From Playa del Carmen.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFULL TIME, we will be so happy to hear from you soon!!!!
Thank you for your pOsts. . .

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


On Spring 2008, we were so lucky to Host at Secret Jewel Celebrations an Internation Press FAM Trip to promote the Riviera Maya as a great place for destination Weddings.

There were several companies that participated on the event:

http://www.rivieramaya.com/ The spellbinding atmosphere of the water's edge and the star-filled skies, bear witness to the magic rituals by candlelight with the sound of the waves breaking on the shore and the moaning of the sea shells taking your breath away…that being only an example of the incredibly romantic ambiences that can surround lovers who venture forth to this most romantic paradise on earth.

Our mexican lunch was provided by http://www.ajua.biz/ they have a big company that provides different services such as shows, different types of ceremonies and F&B for your special day.

The incredible spirituual wedding ceremony held by Juan & Laura Bom brought everyone who witnesed this wedding into tears, I still get goosepumps just by watching the phtos. http://www.eventosluz.com/

Thank you very much for a very new experience for everyone!!

www.easygourmet.com provided a deliciuos and quick sea food cocktail:

After the ceremony, the cocktail was on the lounge set up, right on the private beach inside the porperty:

This pic is when we enjoyed our mayan lunch on the palapa:


Thursday, May 14, 2009

J y J s wedding: a turquoise wedding

The date was May the 3rd, 2008.

It was a beautifull sunny morning and we were really excited getting ready for this small but fine ceremony.

The wedding planner for this event was Laura Mucel http://www.cancunweddingconsultant.com/

The ceremony took place right on our open gates to the beach, the violinist played sweet tunes for the bride as she walked towards the ceremony table ready to say I DO to the man of her dreams.

Right after the ceremony the mariachi came and surpised all of their friends and family, there was a delighfull cocktail before the buffet dinner provided by Chef´s Andrea & Leonardo from Cancun. The dinner and party was al set up inside the palapa, and it felt so cozy because it was a very selected group that enjoyed this special gatthering.

Decoration was all in turquoise blue, blending with the tropical water and white sands it was a really nice

Thank you vey much for the opportunity you gave us, as we begin this journey as a wedding location. . . . . congratulations!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

La Morena y El Guero

This is the vey first wedding we had in Secret Jewel Celebrations.
The story is actually really cool. I met Sol and Matt when they came to see our location for their wedding, they immediately fell in love with our place. But 4 months prior to their wedging date Dec 6, 2007 a big hurricane came and everything was lost, most of our palm trees, and plants and our natural water hole was filled up with sand. I remember when they came back to see the place they were afraid it wouldnt be done by the time of their wedding.

http://www.delsolphotography.com/WORLD CLASS PHOTOGRAPHERS Sol & Matt this wedding was a dream come true for us, you may imagine the hundreds of incredible pics we now have from their magical wedding.

We promised to be ready for their dream wedding on the beach, and had about 80 men working day and night until the day came. And we were ready.

Imagine 90% of your guests beign photographers from around the world, Sol & Matt got over 1000 pics from this very special day, you can see their favorites www.soltamargo.com/blog/index.php?entry=entry071216-160227

We formed a very nice team with their wedding planner http://www.yazmindelamora.com/ who took care of the ceremony details, the mayan dancers and the Chaman.

The decoration, table set up and flowers were the creation of a very talented artist Roberto Caamal http://www.spectacular-events.com/

Catering was provided by http://www.easygourmet.com.mx/ and trust me when it comes to fine dinning at excelent prices this is the way to go. Fine, Easy & delicious.

Finally I would like to share this great video www.vimeo.com/610468 this is only a taste of the great work this guys do at Playa Weddings.

Sol & Matt we had a great time beign part of
this very special day. Thank you for sharing with
us your dream, your vision and most important
for letting us become a very important part of your history.